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The Center for Development Studies is a Research institute in the fields of Applied Economics and social science. Main objective of the research center is to promote research, teaching and training in various disciplines relevant to development.

CDS PhD theses over the past three decades have covered areas such as agrarian studies, economic history, health, industry, labour and quantitative economics.


• To provides students with an inter-disciplinary learning situation

• To organize teaching in the social sciences with a view to providing professional personnel in social work, social services, personnel administration and allied professional fields;

• To organize social research and to train students in the methods of social research with a view to promoting the growth of knowledge in the subjects studied at the Institute and to contribute to the formulation of social policies;

• To co-operate with other organizations in such manner and for such purposes as the Institute may determine and to undertake action projects in the area of social work/social development/social welfare which are innovative and demonstrative in new areas of practice/strategies/service delivery and serve also as centres for training and research;

• To explore understandings of the human, economic, political and social aspects of theories of change.


To understand traditions and innovations in campus planning

To analyze and plan building groups and landscapes.

To communicate design intentions to others for development and execution.

To understand the campus building typologies.

To understand relationship between master planning intention and building design.

To create coherent design for existing context.


study on behavioral responce to architectural spaces with emphasis on student interaction and campus planning.


to understand the human behavior for environmental design

to understand the social stimulation and social interation.

to study the behavioral pattern and how it can be molded in order to promote interaction.

to study the value open spaces and visual elements

to identify the quality of spaces to enhance the learning environment in a campus.